Family Engagement Compact

Family Engagement Compact


Bedford Elementary School

Bee is superhero costume holding pencil

Principal:  Christina Connolly
Assistant Principal:  Kortney Griffin

7407 Dorman Drive
Baltimore, Maryland 21208
(410) 887-1200

 School to Community Coordinator:
Shirley Morton

BCPS Board Policy and Rule 1270
The Board of Education of Baltimore County (Board) recognizes that schools, parents, families and communities must collaborate to support academic achievement, ensuring that every student is prepared for college and career opportunities. Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) promotes meaningful partnerships among schools, parents, family caregivers, and the community at large.


School Progress Plan Strategic Initiatives


Develop strong foundational skills in literacy in the areas of phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary and fluency.


Develop strong foundational skills in mathematics (conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, application.


To support a safe and secure environment, develop the ability to make constructive and respectful choices about personal behaviors and social interactions.


The school will:

  • Treat students, parents and family members with respect.

  • Provide professional learning sessions for school staff on how to develop partnerships and regularly communicate effectively with parents/families about student progress and school programs.

  • Offer family workshops and resources that to reinforce learning at home.

  • Provide high-quality instruction using strategies that have proven to be successful.

  • Provide families with information regarding BCPS and state curriculum and assessments.

  • Build partnerships with outside agencies and businesses to provide additional resources for families.

  • Provide conference availability times to parents/families for conferences on November 30, 2018.

  • Provide volunteer opportunities.

  • Distribute the Right to Know letter to all families.



Reading/Language Arts GoalStudents will achieve a growth rate of 70% or higher on MAP and an overall achievement rate of 57%

       Key Actions:

  • Teachers will plan and implement effective instruction that is aligned to grade level standards to meet the needs of all students.

  • Staff will utilize the WIDA Can Do Statements to better understand the needs of ELL students.

  • Teachers in grades 3-5 will explicitly and systematically teach word study including advanced decoding, morphology, and principles of orthography (spelling) aligned to Maryland College and Career Ready standards.

Mathematics Goal:    Students will achieve a growth rate of 70% or greater on MAP and an overall achievement rate of 42%

       Key Actions:

  • Teachers will utilize research informed instructional strategies to design effective first instruction.

  • Teachers will utilize student and teacher resource books in order to give all students, particularly ELL and Special Education students a visual reference for key concepts and taught strategies.

Climate Goal:   The number of student who perceive bullying to be a concern will decrease from 43% to 38%

       Key Actions:

  • Develop the ability to recognize and regulate emotions and thoughts and their influence on behaviors.

  • Develop and implement a character education program within the classrooms.

  • Encourage productive use of native language during instruction, where appropriate.


Families will:

  • Review the Weekly Wednesday Folder

  • Engage in Reading and Math Night Activities

  • Encourage respectful behavior and how to show respect to other when stressed

  • Review homework assignments, classwork assignments and BCPS One for student grades weekly.

  • Try to attend or send a representative to attend family events.


Students will:

  • Engage develop an understanding of their reading level and how they can improve

  • Utilize taught problem solving strategies to show perseverance when solving problems.

  • Show respect towards all peers and adults in the classroom

  • Tell a family member something new you learned in school each week.

  • Complete classroom and homework assignments.

  • Ask for help from teachers and family when having trouble with school work or peers.

  • Bring home communications from school


Event Title

Date & Time


Alice Training Night


Bedford Elementary

Book-It Reading Initiative

10/1/2018 – 12/25/2018

Bedford Elementary

Reading Night


Bedford Elementary

Elementary Conference Day


Bedford Elementary




The following supports may be available to families during family engagement events:

  • Childcare and transportation.

  • Events offered during flexible times

  • Interpreters (upon request) Interpretes disponibles si se necesitan


All Title I schools engage families in the shared decision making process. Schools also provide families with information to understand and support student academic achievement standards. All families will be invited to:

  • Work with school staff to develop the Family Engagement Compact and provide ongoing feedback for compact revisions.

  • Provide input and feedback on the school’s Title I family engagement budget.

  • Share information for school staff professional learning topics on how to effectively communicate and work with families as equal partners.

  • Participate on the School Progress Team to plan, review and improve the School Progress Plan (SPP).

  • Offer comments and/or express concerns about the School Progress Plan.

  • Attend the Annual Title I Parent/Family Meeting.

School staff will be accessible to parents via conferences, email, or phone between 08:30 a.m. and 03:30 p.m.